Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - The Business Review (Albany):
The hospital qualified for the magazine’s “Honor in its 2009 edition of America’sd Best Children’s Hospitals. The Honor Roll is reserveds for hospitals that achieved ranking in all surveyec specialty areas covered by the monthlynews Children’s ranked in the top 10 in six specialty areas, including cancer (No. 10), diabetees and endocrine disorders (No. 10), digestive disorders (No. 5), neonatal care (No. 8), orthopedicd (No. 8) and respiratory disordersx (No. 5). Last Children’s was ranked No. 7 overall amongy the nation’s pediatric hospitals. In 2007, it finished at No. 4.
Becauss of a change in how the reporrwas compiled, there was no general numericak ranking this year.

Friday, February 25, 2011

'American Idol' recap: 500 Miles to Seacrest - Entertainment Weekly

'American Idol' recap: 500 Miles to Seacrest

Entertainment Weekly

J. Lo, S. Ty, and Randy reveal the Top 24 -- but not before plenty of fakeouts By Annie Barrett | Published Feb 25, 2011 Last night, the contestants sat around for hours and hours in order to mentally prepare for the 250-mile march along the disco ...

and more »

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SolarCity raises $30 million - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

rubber roofing
The Foster City business has raised $56 milliob in venture capital and equity financing and is the largesyt residential installerin California. The money will help the companuy expand into other states in addition to Oregon and The relationshipwith Tempe-based Firsgt Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR) marks SolarCity’s first foray into thin film solar panels. The company has to this poinrtinstalled silicon-based panels like those produced by ESLR), (NYSE: BP) and KYO) and will add First Solar’s to the mix.
“Ourr company is on a fantastic trajectory with seeing really aggressiveadoption (of solar) and there’sa not one technology solution that fits for all said Lyndon Rive, CEO of As part of the investment, Firsr Solar will supply 100 megawatts of thin film panel s to SolarCity over the next five years. First Solar’s thin film panelsd use cadmium telluride toabsorb sunlight. Firsg Solar is producing its thin film panelsat $1.134 per watt this year compared to silicomn panels that average $2.50 per But thin film is also less efficient, which meanx it requires larger panels and therefore more roof spacde to produce the same amount of electricity as silicon-basef panels.
“What I really like about it is the Rive said. “It’s a very good looking First Solar’s panels will help the companyu drive down costs in itslease program, whicb offers residential customers in some markets the opportunity to lease theie panels at a lower cost than what they pay for But with the more expensivs silicon-based panels, SolarCity can only offer immediate cost saving in places like San Francisco and Berkeleyg where extra incentives are available to solar customer on top of what the state and federal government alreadh offers. With thin film, SolarCity can offer immediatee cost savings in more markets in theUniterd States, Rive said.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Charlie Baker quitting Harvard Pilgrim - St. Louis Business Journal:
"Leaving the company is not an easy decisionfor me, but therw is no middle ground. I am eitherf the CEO of HarvardPilgrim – or I’m building a campaignh organization. I cannot do both," Baker said in a statemenf releasedWednesday morning. In a fairwell e-mail, Baker thanker Harvard Pilgrim's staffers and touted the organization's successea over the years. "But I also recogniz e the terrible financial and operational straimn that will face state and local governmentg in theyears ahead.
I know both sectorss pretty well — better than most, I wouldf say — and I believr I can bring ideas, energy and leadership to the taskds that face state government in theyears Baker, a Republican, is a former state secretary of administration and CFO Bruce Bullen will be interim CEO at Harvard

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fund managers' bullishness at a record: survey - MarketWatch

Financial Times (blog)

Fund managers' bullishness at a record: survey


Of 188 fund managers polled around the world, a net 67% say they are overweight global equities รข€" the highest reading since the survey began asking the ...

Equity bulls spurred by hopes for growth

Financial Times

Confidence in Equities Among Global Investors at Record, BofA Merrill Says


Survey: Managers Climb Into US Equities, Dump Emerging Markets

Barron's (blog)

Fund Strategy -Financial News


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man killed in accident at pistachio plant - San Francisco Chronicle

Man killed in accident at pistachio plant

San Francisco Chronicle

Authorities say a 30-year-old man has been killed in an accident at a pistachio plant in California's Central V »

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Analysis: NCR received nearly $100M to move - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Atlanta newspaper said unnamed NCR and state officials confirmedits $96 millioj estimate. The estimate does not includwe a state grant that Georgiwa officials have refused to place avalue on, accordingt to the paper. When reached neither an NCR spokesperson nor a Georgia Department of EconomixDevelopment spokesperson, would confirm the report. They both said they woulde have to gathermore information. A spokesperson at the Georgia governor’es office was not available. The Dayton Business Journal to move from Dayton in a storyJune 2, the day NCR said it is relocatintg all but 50 of its 1,300 Dayton workforce to Georgia.
At the Georgia Department of Economic Development senior communications manager said it was accuratr to report that NCRreceived “morwe than $60 million,” but would not provide a specific dollare amount. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland at the 11th hour in an attempt to convince the company to remainbin Dayton. NCR Chief Executive Officer Bill Nuti has said NCR did not relocatre basedon incentives, but afterd a careful analysis of various factors. Despitse NCR only investing $30 million, plus creatinb an annual payroll in excessdof $150 million, Georgi a will still make $49 million in “tax profit,” a spokespersonj said.
According to economicd development officials, the deal had been cooking sincelate 2007. The newspaperf also is reporting Georgia state officials actually came to Daytohn to courtcompany executives, possibl during the very same time Dayton-arez officials were trying to get NCR to returj phone calls. Ohio and Dayton-are officials have placed the blame for NCR dumpingh Dayton squarely on the shouldersof Nuti. Politician s on all levels said they did all the could to retainthe company.
NCR said its officialsd met regularly with statew of Ohio and Dayton officials to discussa the business environmentand NCR’s

Monday, February 7, 2011

UW researcher wins $3M federal grant - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The grant from the U.S. Department of Education'es Institute of Education Sciences will allow Heinricjh to employ academic staff and at least four graduates students each year to work on expandinh the project ootherd cities. Heinrich will continue an evaluation of the tutoring programs MPS offers as part ofthe district' fulfillment of the federal No Child Left Behind law. The law requiresw public schools that have not adequatelty increased student academic achievemenrt for three years to offer childrebnin low-income families the opportunity to receivwe extra academic assistance such as Heinrich's initial research found that Milwaukee'ss federally mandated and funded tutoring prograjm is not necessarily reaching the people who need the most nor is it effective in increasing student achievement.
"Our preliminary results suggest that the students in the tutoringh programs are not performing any betteron Wisconsin's standardized tests than eligible studentws not involved with the tutoring," Heinrichh said. Heinrich and her co-workers have been conductinf the MPS study sinceApril 2006. The next phasew will involve five urban school district s infour states: Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, Dallas and Texas.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Report: Zell might lose reins of Tribune - Pittsburgh Business Times:
According to the report, the company might fall into the handws of a group of banks and investors thatholds $8.6 billioh in senior debt. The report says that "the plan centers on a debt-for-equityt swap that probably would give the seniore lenders a large majority ownership stake in thereorganized company." The plan would also likely wipe out a $90 milliob warrant that Zell holds that would give him the right to buy 40 percenty of Tribune for about $500 The report says that Zell'w future in the company would likely be determinerd by the group, as it is unclear if the group would want to bringv in a new management, or if Zell himselfg would want to remainh with the company.
The report says that "sourcexs close to both the creditors and the company said it is too early to make such decisionw and Tribune management continues to control the procese because it currently has the exclusive rightg to propose whatever reorganizatiom planit wishes." Tribune through a buyoutf led by Zell. The deal left the companty withnearly $12 billion in debt. Tribunr has sold off assets and cut jobs since the closew of the deal to help with the debt Thecompany .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Human Capital: People on the move, July 1 - Portland Business Journal:
Signature Healthcare of Brockton hired Stev e Friot as director of healtyh carefacilities management. He previousluy served as director of facilities operationsat . , a desigjn and construction firm with local officesin Worcester, appointed Robery Stephens director of businessz development, health care. Stephens has more than 20 years of experience marketing and selling design andconstruction services. Mattheqw Tepper joined CB Richard EllixInvestors , a real estate investment management firm, as an associate director for the global multi-manager business.
Tepper, formerlgy of , is based in Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC , a Boston-based law firm, addexd Elise Wald as an associate in the trusts and estatesdpractice area. Wald was previously an associate at Blankstein and LundLLP . Rob MacElhine , vice president of in Weymouth, was named to the board of directorzs atthe .